Flex in the City is an opportunity for employers to try flexible work options. During which time employers measure the effect on productivity-when the right employees, in the right jobs, practice the right flexible work option(s).
The Initiative encourages area employers to adopt flexible workplace policies.
The direct beneficiaries of Flex in the City are the businesses and employees that participate in the event.
Post surveys were conducted for both participating employers and employees to gauge their perception of the event. Employers indicated that increases in productivity were remarkable during the event. The majority of employers also believed that flexible options improve their ability to meet the needs of customers, and the goals of the team and organization.
If you would like more information on how to set up pilot in your office or city, we can help.
Because of longer days, differing start and stop times, and varying days off, companies who use flextime are often able to expand customer service hours and better service clients in different time zones, without increases in staff size, or increasing overtime costs.
The benefits include:
Increased productivity
Reduced absenteeism
Higher retention
Higher job satisfaction
Savings in office operating expenses
Advantage in recruiting
Reduced traffic around work sites
Reduced overtime expenses
Elimination of tardiness
"One of the most sought after job characteristics of today's workers are flextime work options. Employers who offer flextime to their employees have an advantage, over their competitors that do not, in attracting potential employees, and in employee retention through increased job satisfaction and better morale, and enjoy increases in productivity, and decreases in absenteeism." Shirley A. Crews Taylor
Flex Work Options
Some of the most common flexible work options in practice are:
Telecommuting: employee who does work at home at least two days a week on a computer that is linked to their office.
Flex Work Time: flexible working hours during the workweek. Sometimes based on established a mandatory core hours (ex. 9 to 3) with flexible start and end times.
Compressed week: employee works longer hours in a day but fewer days in the week, i.e. 4-10's, where an employee works 10 hours per day, 4 days per week,9-80's, where an employee works 9 hours per day, and every other week earns an additional day off.
Job sharing: Two or more employees split a 40-hour workweek job, sharing in the tasks and responsibilities.
Of course many of these can be mixed and matched for tailor-made flexibility!